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Technical Support

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Dimmer Compatibility

Dimmer switch compatibility with lamps varies, and not all provide smooth, flicker-free dimming due to differences in electrical characteristics. Despite thorough lab testing, we can’t guarantee compatibility with all dimmers, and using incompatible ones may damage lamps.

Radio, TV or WIFI interference with LED lamps

LED lamp installations can interfere with radio, TV, or WIFI signals, especially when replacing 12V halogens due to power supply or wiring issues, not the LED lamps. Solutions include using DC LED drivers or mains voltage lamps, shortening cables, using shielded cables, adding EMI filters, and repositioning aerials for better signal reception.

Diagnosing LED flashing

LED flashing can occur due to induced voltages or sensors/switches not fully turning off. Diagnose by replacing an LED with a filament bulb; resolve by installing a suppressor or using four-wire sensors with isolated relays to prevent voltage leakage and stop flashing.

LED DD Lamp with Microwave Sensor

Our LED DD Lamp with Microwave Sensor offers customizable settings for optimal lighting control. Adjust the Detection Range to modify the sensor’s coverage area, set the Dimming Range for energy efficiency, choose the Time On duration for light activation, and specify the Ambient Light Level for operation in various lighting conditions.

LED DD Retrofitting Instructions

For LED DD retrofitting, ensure a qualified electrician isolates the power and bypasses control gear for wiring. Remove starters for magnetic ballasts and bypass electronic ballasts, wiring directly to the lampholder. Optionally, add a 1A fuse for protection. Always affix a warning label indicating only Kosnic LED DD lamps should be used, not suitable for fluorescents.